Is it Even Possible For Alcohol Addicts To Drink Moderately Ever In the Future?

Over the past several decades, research has shown that treating alcohol abuse doesn’t always require total abstinence. While complete abstinence may be required in some circumstances, individuals may be able to cut back on their drinking to moderate levels in other situations without needing to abstain entirely.

To successfully stop drinking and not give up at any given chance requires effort and resolve. If you’ve spent the last three months or a year abstaining from drinking, it can feel a little dangerous to take moderation too lightly. If you’re a part of any support system, you may have had to suffer through the agonizing sight of other members and friends attempting to control their drinking and failing another time against moderation.

Even at Detox To Rehab, the community helps people to get rid of alcohol addiction and then get into moderation so that total abstinence may not hit them back. Even during the abstinence or moderation process alcohol abusers suffer from withdrawal symptoms, which should not be neglected. At Detox To Rehab, they educate you about what are the symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol. Getting proper guidance from treated victims from this community along with medical assistance from professionals can help you go a long way.

For healthy men and women, “moderate consumption” is defined as 1-2 alcoholic drinks daily for males and one alcoholic drink for women.

One drink is equivalent to –

  • 12 ounces of beer
  • 5 ounces of wine
  • 5 ounces of distilled liquor

You can take charge of your life and your drinking habits by exercising moderation. Moderation allows you to participate in work activities and social events while giving you more control over when and how much you drink. Complete abstinence, on the other hand, frequently requires you to avoid any situations or people that might tempt you to drink.

Tips for Moderate Drinking 

  • Track your intake by marking it on your smartphone or asking someone close to keep a watch on you.
  • Decide days when you want to drink and when you don’t. weekends are the best days when you can also drink and track them as well.

Always go for regular checkups to monitor your alcohol consumption and its impact on your body. Finding healthy ways to overcome alcohol carvings will benefit your physical, mental, social, and financial condition.